
  • ‘Healthier You’ NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme Referral Request

    If you have received a letter from the practice stating you are eligible for this programme, please submit the Diabetes referral form.

Sick day rules – Diabetes centre

  • What should I do?

    – Never stop taking your insulin
    – Test your blood glucose levels 2 hourly
    – Test your urine for ketones every time you go to the toilet
    – Drink plenty of fluids (water, sugar free drinks) minimum half a mug of drink per hour
    – Rest (avoid strenuous exercise)
    – Eat regular meals if you are able. If not, replace solid food at meal times with one of the following: a mug of milk, a scoop of ice cream, a cup of fruit juice, half a can of non-diet drink

  • When should I call the diabetes centre or my GP?

    If you have the following:
    – Continuous diarrhoea or vomiting
    – You can’t eat for 4 hours
    – If you have persistent high blood glucose levels over 13 mmol/l (you may need to take extra insulin)
    – If you have a high temperature call your GP or practice nurse, call the diabetes centre (during office hours – 01603 286286)
    – If you have ++ (moderate) or +++ (large) ketones in your urine call the diabetes centre or your GP immediately

  • For urgent diabetes nurse advice

    Call 01603 286286 and ask for bleep 0729
    Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm

  • Type 1 Diabetes

    Everyone has days when they are not well. If you have diabetes, being unwell can affect
    your blood glucose control so it is important that you know how to manage this. This
    leaflet will give you essential information on:
    – How illness affects your blood glucose levels
    – Looking after yourself
    – Managing your insulin
    – What to eat and drink
    – Being prepared
    – When to seek help

    Trend UK – What to do when you are ill (PDF)

  • Type 2 Diabetes – Know your risk

    People who are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes are being fast-tracked into the Healthier You NHS Diabetes prevention programme. Rapid access to the programme is being rolled out following research that revealed those living with diabetes face significantly higher risks of complications with Covid-19.
    Hosted by Diabetes UK, there is now an online tool you can use to calculate your risk of developing the condition by answering a series of basic questions about age, weight and ethnicity. If your score comes back as moderate or high, you will be able to refer yourself to a local Healthier You service for support remotely or online, without having to go through a healthcare professional.
    Those who qualify will be able to choose how they complete the programme, either by joining group sessions by video link or telephone with an experienced coach or through digital support, which includes online peer support groups and in some areas, wearable tech.
    Finding out your risk of Type 2 diabetes only takes a few minutes.


  • Mapmydiabetes

    Mapmydiabetes is an online structured education program for Type 2 Diabetes.

  • How do I refer my patients to Mapmydiabetes if I can’t meet with them?

    Referring your patients is an easy process using your Mapmydiabetes Healthcare Professional account. All you need is the patient’s: name, email address, DOB and NHS number.

    If you are conducting telephone appointments, you could set the patient up during this time, or take their details (probably just their email address) and set them up afterwards.

    Alternatively, if you have the patient’s email address in the practice records, then you could send an email to let them know you are setting them up with a Mapmydiabetes account.

    Once a referral has been made the patient will receive a Welcome email containing their login details and they can then start using Mapmydiabetes.

    Mapmydiabetesdeals with gaining and logging patient consent and provides a guide to teach them how to use the system. There is no need for any training by you.
    Please note that all adults with type 2 diabetes are eligible for referral to Mapmydiabetes, even if they have already attended face-to-face structured education.

    If you have any questions, comments or need help, please contact the Mapmydiabetes team by email (support@mapmyhealth.co.uk), phone 0800 612 2589, or using the online contact form at www.mapmydiabetes.co.uk.

  • Hypo treatment

    Please view the NHS poster (PDF) for more information on hypo treatment.