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Practice team

Business manager

Nikki Crawford

Practice manager

Christina Armitage

Assistant practice manager and IT lead

Jessica Bane

Nurse manager

Wendy Shaw

Reception manager

Karen Sims

Dispensary manager

Dawn Baker

Care co-ordinators

Nichola Dalzell – Lead care co-ordinator

Lucy Manning

The role of the Patient Co-ordinator is to focus on what matters most to our patients and provide co-ordination and support to help them navigate across the health and care system. They work with a range of patients, particularly those with long-term conditions, complex conditions, and people living with or at risk of frailty.

They support patients to become more active and involved in their own health and care and are skilled in building trusting relationships with individuals. They specialise in having personalised conversations to assess and monitor the needs of patients, their families, and carers by listening to what matters most to them. They help patients make the right connections, with the right teams, at the right time.

There is also a team of 6 receptionists, 4 dispensers and prescribing clerks, 1 pharmacy technician, 5 clinical administrators and 2 secretaries.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 7 February 2025